The Rule Book Page Six (6)
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The Playing Field
The Defense Has Side In Possession And Control Of The Polearmball
The Defensive Team Leader Is Seen To Have The Polearmball
(Circled In Red), And About To Begin The Round
The Offense Has Control And Possession Of The Polearm
The Polearmist Has Pospositioned Himself Between 
The Runner And The Runner's Team

The following dimensions are provisional and subject to change until test runs of the game are played at which time the parameters and reasonable measurements can be set according to the nature of the limits the implements have once they are being used and according to the limits and the prowess of the athletes.

The Midfield Circle is fifty feet (50ft) in diameter. 
All perpendicular lines run across from sideline to sideline.
The playing field is one hundred feet (100ft) wide.
The playing field is two hundred feet (200ft) long.
The Target Lines are the last lines at the far ends of the field.
The Delivery Lines are twenty feet (20ft), from the Target Lines.
The Limit Lines are forty feet (40ft), from the Target Lines.
The Midfield Circle from its exterior circumference is thirty five feet (35ft) away from the Limit Lines and seventy five feet (75ft) away from the Target Lines
The Team Leader:
Before the game begins each team will select one player to be the designated leader of their team. The leader will satisfy various duties assigned to the Team Leader by the rules of the game and will make strategic decisions when called upon by the rules.

Team Leaders shall wear a bright red band on the left wrist so they may be identified at all times during the game.

Before the game or contest between the two teams begins, the two Team Leaders will compete with each other in a contest to determine which team will start in possession of the polearmball first and which team will start in possession of the polearm first. The winner of this competition decides which implement each team starts with. He/she also chooses which side of the field to take first.
Team Leader
Team Leader Wears A Red Wrist Band On Left Wrist
Game Architecture

Before the game begins the two Team Leaders will compete against each other in a contest. The winner will decide which team runs the ball first and which end of the field they start at first.

The Contest:

The contest consists of the two Team Leaders throwing the polearm at one of the targets to see who can hit it with the most precision. The Team Leaders take turns throwing the polearm until one party misses and the other party hits the target. 

A dice roll determines who goes first for the contest. Both players roll a die at the same time onto the same spot and surface. The lowest number wins. A tie means the players roll again until someone wins by rolling a lower number. The winner who rolled the lower number goes first in the contest. 
The winning Team Leader then places a toe board directly in front of one of the targets at a distance of his choosing on-center to the target. The toe board may be any device which acts as a board six feet long and three to four inches wide. The Team Leader will then place the board on the ground where he chooses to stand behind it and throw the polearm without crossing over or touching the toe board with his feet. 

How the Game Starts
  The First Run or Scrimmage
After the outcome of the contest between the Team Leaders, the Team Leader of the team in the orange shorts in the above diagram has won the privilege of having the first choice to decide which team runs the ball first and which side of the field they play first. In the example above the Team Leader of the orange uniform has chosen to take possession of the polearm first. He/she has also selected which side of the field his/her team will start from. The Team Leader will also decide who will be his/her team’s first Polearmist of the game.

The Defense Has Side In Possession And Control Of The Polearmball
The Defensive Team Leader Is Seen To Have The Polearmball
(Circled In Red), And About To Begin The Round
The Offense Has Control And Possession Of The Polearm
The Polearmist Has Positioned Himself Between 
The Runner And The Runner's Team
The Starting Polearmist Is Outside The Circle
The Starting Runner Is Stationed Inside The Circle

Delivery Line

Limit Line

Delivery Line

Limit Line
Gong Is Used To Signal Start
Portable Gong To Be Used To Start Each Round
Travel Line 120 ft.
Image shows Team Leaders from both teams wearing red arm bands on left wrists.

As the polearmball is thrown by the Team Leader to his/her Runner, the Polearmist has an option at his/her discretion to attempt to throw the polearm and hit the polearmball in mid air. This spear-shot may be taken from outside the circle anytime after the ball is airborne. The Polearmist may also attempt to strike the polearmball as the Runner who is inside the Midfield Circle catches the ball inside the circle. The Polearmist must remain outside the circle even if he/she has attempted a spear-shot at the polearmball and missed. Once the polearm touches the ground on a missed throw then the ritual is over at that moment and all players may now run in.

The Polearmist may also joust the ball from outside the Midfield Circle. The Polearmist may either spear by throwing or joust the airborne polearmball after the Team Leader throws it. If the polearm strikes the polearmball in mid air but the Runner manages to catch the ball before it hits the ground then the Runner's team does not lose sides and the game continues without interruption. 

After the signal is given by a referee (Gong is sounded) the Team Leader of the side with the ball must throw the polearmball from behind the Limit Line to his Runner. The Runner inside the midfield circle was selected to be the first Runner for his team by that team’s Team Leader. The Runner will be wearing a lightweight padded vest which extends up behind his shoulders and neck from behind. This garb will serve a duel purpose to protect the Runner from injury and will identify who the Runner is on the field at all times. 
 After the signal is given by a referee (Gong is sounded) the Team Leader of the side with the ball must throw the polearmball from behind the Limit Line to his Runner. The Runner inside the midfield circle was selected to be the first Runner for his team by that team’s Team Leader. The Runner will be wearing a lightweight padded vest which extends up behind his shoulders and neck from behind. This garb will serve a duel purpose to protect the Runner from injury and will identify who the Runner is on the field at all times. In the diagram above the Runner is wearing a yellow protective vest.
If the Team Leader who goes first misses the target then the second Team Leader if he hits the target he/she wins the contest. The Team Leaders take turns until one misses and the other one hits the target. The Team Leader who went first has the option to move the toe board back after each round. If a Team Leader touches the toe board then the throw counts as a miss. If both Team Leaders miss the target on any one turn then the toe board must be moved six paces closer to the target before the next round by the Team Leader who went first.

The winner of this contest chooses whether his/her team will run the ball first or have possession of the polearm. He/she also chooses which side of the field his/her team will line up at first. Once this process is completed then the two teams will line-up on the Delivery Lines at their respective ends of the playing field. Team members may line up in no particular order. 
The team which is wearing orange uniforms in the diagram above will be starting with possession of the polearm first. The Team Leader of the team that starts with the polearm decides who will be their first Polearmist of the game. The selected Polearmist will walk out with the polearm in hand and take a random fluid position outside the Midfield Circle. The Polearmist who will perform skills in an act of intimidation against the opposing Runner and Runner's team may move freely but must remain outside the circle until the Runner who is inside the circle either steps outside of the circle or sixty seconds elapse after the Runner catches the polearmball (whichever comes first).

Once the ball is caught by the Runner all other players on both teams may run up to the Limit Lines on their respective sides of the field
Before Runner catches ball.
After Runner catches ball.
The Polearmist may not cross into the circle for sixty (60) seconds after the Runner catches the ball or until the Runner steps out of the circle or the Polearmist throws the polearm and misses either the Runner and/or the ball. If the Polearmist decides to throw the polearm while the Runner is inside the Midfield Circle and misses the shot then the polearm upon contact with the ground gives all players full and open access to the playing field. Unless the polearm hits the ground on a missed throw, all players must wait until sixty (60) seconds elapses after the Runner catches the ball or until the runner runs out of the Midfield Circle. A referee will sound a signal (Gun shot) at the moment that all players may have full access to the field.
At the beginning of a round the Polearmist may attempt to spear the polearmball.
At the beginning of a round the Polearmist may attempt to joust the polearmball.
Note that in this illustration the Runner's team is first behind the Delivery Line. After the Runner catches the ball then the team members run forward and position themselves behind the Limit Line. The Runner will wish to exit the Midfield Circle and dash toward his/her teammates. Alas, the Polearmist will stand in the way.